Printable Gift Tags

It's been another busy week of shopping, gift making, wrapping, and shipping.  I just have a couple more gifts to buy and I will officially be finished with Christmas shopping.  Yay!  I have a few more boxes to ship next week, also.  Laura has been really helpful with the shopping, wrapping, and shipping and I really appreciate her help.  Plus, she's a better gift wrapper than I am.

We purchased a fresh cut tree from a nearby tree lot.  No trudging through ice like last year - it's just too cold out (for me, anyway) with temps earlier today only in the 30s.  The tree has been hauled into the house and set up in the stand to be decorated tomorrow.  The fresh pine makes the house smell so good.

Hope everyone is having a good week!



  1. Fun and thanks! I'm busy decorating today because I was gone and got a late start. Wrapping next!


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