
Do you use Pinterest?

When I first heard of Pinterest, my first thought was, “Now we all have another way to waste time on the internet”. After spending time there, I’ve found Pinterest to be beneficial.

First, for those who aren’t familiar with Pinterest, it’s sort of a virtual pinboard. It’s a place to find inspiration and ideas. Pinterest is a virtual smorgasbord of visual appeal that includes home decor, fashion, art, food and more.

Click here to see Pinterest’s explanation of what they are about.

I like using Pinterest for saving and organizing things I see on the web so that I can easily find them later. I like seeing what other people are “pinning” onto their “pinboards”. I also enjoy taking a few minutes to relax and take in all the lovely images on Pinterest.

It’s free to register and use Pinterest, but you need an invitation to get started. If anyone would like me to send them an invitation, please let me know.



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