A Taboo Subject

We're not supposed to discuss money in our society.  No telling how much money we make, and don't ask how much money other people make.  Just don't.

But discussing money management seems to be OK, so I'ld like to share a tool I found that helps with managing personal finances.

Managing the family's finances is my job.  Knowing where we stand financially requires keeping track of how much money is coming in, which doesn't change much, and how much money is going out, which can easily get out of control.

I've tried several methods of tracking expenses over the years, and most haven't worked well for me.  The reason is that I'm terrible at keeping records.  Whether recording things on paper or on the computer, I'm just not good at following through with recording expenses daily, or weekly, or whatever...over, and over, and over...

Not happening.

Fortunately, I found Mint.com.  This site pulls the information I need into a nice, neat, easy to follow format that helps me keep track of our spending. 

Knowing the areas in which we tend to overspend has helped me make some changes to help keep our spending in line with our budget spending plan.

I would love to know how others are managing their spending.



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