Happy New Year 2011!

It’s that time again. Another year is gone, and a new year is just beginning. We’re reflecting on the past and making resolutions for the future. Thoughts of losing weight, exercising more, and other forms of self improvement are swirling in our heads.

Looking back over this past year, I see areas where I’ve moved forward. I’ve been learning how to use Photoshop and started my Etsy shop, Sidetracked Artist, selling digital graphics. I enjoy being able to work on the computer when I’m unable to be up doing other things.

I’ve also been trying and developing new recipes and blogging both here and at my other blog, Wheatless Foodie.

While my lupus has been mostly under control this past year, fibromyalgia has been increasingly challenging for me this past year. Fatigue and pain have made it difficult for me to do the things I would like to do a great deal of the time. Fortunately, with the help of a good doctor and physical therapist, I am doing better. I can manage being on my feet for longer periods of time now (sometimes 30 to 40 minutes!), so I’m able to go to the store for groceries, spend time in the kitchen, and do a little gardening.

My family moved into a new home just over a year ago, and we’ve mostly finished unpacking. At least, I think we’ve nearly finished. The house is full, so we must be finished, right? Except that there are still boxes in the garage, and we still haven’t found the drawer to one of the end tables in the living room.

I’m not making any “resolutions”. It seems like New Year’s Resolutions are just begging to be broken. But I am making goals. I plan to:

1. Continue exercising regularly and increasing the amount of exercise I am able to do.

2. Eat more fruits and vegetables, less sugar and fat.

3. Spend more time creating original artwork.

A year seems like such a long time, but looking back, it has gone by so quickly. Now we have another 365 days ahead of us to do with as we wish. What will you do with your 365 days?

For some creative ideas, visit :


  1. I wish you a great time in 2011!

  2. Love the colors you used on the What will you do? piece. Pretty!

  3. You go, Girl. My plan is to get outside a little each day, eat better each day, stress less each day and do something creative each day. It's amazing how fast those days go by!

  4. Hello Cindy...thanks for visiting my little blog. You will not be disappointed with Gretel's blog, she is wonderful.

    Wishing you joy today!

    Janet xox

  5. Cindy, I'm a little late - but I wish you a good 2011 as well! Best wishes with your goals! You can do it! :)

  6. I like that you set good "goals" for yourself... and that part of it is being creative. I know how hard it is when we don't feel well, but I never regret the effort I put into it. Even if the efforts are small :)


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