The Perfect Christmas Tree

This year we decided to cut our own Christmas tree from a local tree farm.  It was a beautiful sunny day, except for being about 35 degrees out.  The ground was still frozen and a little icy in places from a recent snow storm, but no matter.  We were going to get a Christmas tree. 

The tree farm covers several acres and had so many beautiful trees and several varieties to choose from.  One of us would spy a tree "over there", then upon closer inspection would decide it wasn't quite right.  Maybe there was a bare patch, or too many brown needles, or it wasn't shaped right, etc.

And yes, that's Laura wearing a skirt, mary janes, and a big Hello Kitty purse.  That's my girl!

After awhile, after traipsing over several acres, the trees all start to look alike, and look really good.  This happens at about the same time that noses are numb and toes are freezing. 

It was only then that we found the "perfect tree".

It was up to Laura and I to document the event in photos, and neither of us remembered to bring a camera.  So I'm using cell phone photos.

The tree farm provided a saw, and it was the job of the manly men among us (Fred and Bryan) to cut the tree and haul it to the car.


The tree was tied down and ready for the long trip home.  OK, not really, we only live about 10 miles from the tree farm. 

The freshly cut tree filled our home with the fresh pine scent that, for me, means its Christmas. 

Wishing everyone a blessed holiday season and a joyful new year.



  1. Sounds like a wonderful day...wish I could have been there to share it with Bryan :o(


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