
Showing posts from November, 2010

First Snow of the Season

The first snow of the season is always so exciting. One of my friends refers to snow as a four letter word (Hi Cyndi!), and I can’t blame her since she’s lived with snowy winters for over two decades. I’ll admit that in February I won’t be so happy to see it either, and by March I’ll be desperate to move to a warmer climate. But the season’s first snow is always welcomed.

World Kindness Day

Yesterday, I purchased an item for our home that was extremely heavy.  I managed to get it into the shopping cart by tilting it over the edge and letting gravity do the rest.  I wondered how I would get it into the back of my Ford Escape.  I thought about asking for help, but didn't.  I'm not good at asking for help. When I got out to the car, and tried to pick it up, I couldn't.  It was just too heavy.  I was wishing that I had someone to help me, when a stranger asked if I needed help.  Between the two of us, we were able to hoist it up and into the back of the vehicle.  I thanked the nice man, and as I continue to feel grateful for his help, I'm looking for ways to pay it forward. Today is World Kindness Day.  What will you do?


This is our cat Amber in one of her favorite sleeping positions. It looks very much like the spine stretching exercise my physical therapist has me doing. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the flexibility of a cat? She was startled by the click of the camera, but still managed to strike a pose for the next shot. Good kitty!