21 Years Ago...

...this child was born.

She was baptized surrounded by her family.

In the blink of an eye, or so it seemed, she was crawling, then walking...

She loved Elmo

and Patti.

She really liked her playhouse.

Would you like to come inside?

What a wonderful artist...


and now.

Soon it was time for her first Communion.

She loves dressing up and was stylin’ from the start.

Halloween has always been her favorite holiday,

and she threw some wicked Halloween parties for her friends.

There were many birthday parties too.

And she can be so helpful!

My daughter is loving, gracious, warm, funny, smart, talented, caring, and compassionate. This child of mine is in tune with the world around her with an awareness that amazes me. I am so proud of who she is and look forward with wonder at her possibilities, her contributions to the world.

I feel so blessed to have this beautiful child as my daughter. But she is no longer a child. Today we celebrate her 21st birthday.

Happy Birthday, sweetie!


  1. Happy birthday to your daughter!!!!


  2. What a great time we had celebrating her birthday!

  3. It was great having all of you here for her birthay. It made the day that much more special for her.


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