Starting Anew

Life is unpredictable. We make plans, and usually this keeps us moving in a chosen direction. But sometimes we find ourselves being picked up, tossed around, wrung out, and feeling like we’re going to hell in a handbasket. Last year was one of those times.

For my family, the year 2009 included job loss, moving to another state, selling our intended “forever home” (at a loss), serious health problems, the loss of two beloved pets, a new job, a new home...starting again. And if all this wasn’t enough, last fall I turned 50!

Now feels like a good time to start again, to re-evaluate my goals and pay more attention to my life’s direction. It’s time to focus more on the things that are important to me. It feels like I’m starting anew.

For me, this means focusing on creativity. I’ve been knitting, crocheting, and exploring graphic art. My daughter and I are making and selling handmade jewelry and accessories at We’re trying new things, learning and having fun sharing our creativity.

Last year, for me, was about loss. I want this year to be about living intentionally, lovingly and creatively.


  1. I know exactly what you mean. I've had a rough couple of years, and yet, the same time period has been a creative rebirth for me, as I've turned to art to move forward and to remember who I am.

    Sometimes I think we need to lose everything, to make a clearing, in order to create the things that really matter.

  2. Lovely words... this year is a great year to live with intention and love and creativity! Have a wonderful many years to come...

  3. Thanks for sharing your story. And on top if it all turning 50 really rang a bell with me. I'll be turnig 50 in Novemer and am considering writing a blog about my comical aging process. Yesterday I tried to pluck a wrinkle!


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