When Fred and I were first married, our dining room furniture consisted of a borrowed card table and folding chairs. We used the money we received as wedding gifts to purchase a china hutch, a table, and six chairs. After 25 years, the table top wasn’t looking too good. Since new dining room furniture isn’t likely to make an appearance in my life anytime soon, and I couldn’t stand my shabby table any longer, I decided to refinish the top of the table. Fortunately, furniture refinishing was one of the skills my mom taught me when I was growing up. She tried to teach me housekeeping too, but that one didn’t take very well. I don’t ordinarily take on projects like this anymore because of my health problems, but this one would be manageable. I could take as many breaks as I needed and rest for as long as I needed, and no strength was required since I wouldn’t be moving the table. After just three trips to Home Depot I had everything I needed. ...