Our Newest Family Member
Meet Sophie. We recently adopted her from a dog rescue group. She's about 3 years old, and 18 pounds of love and fluff. We don't know what breed she is, exactly. The group we adopted her from said she's part American Eskimo. The vet said she appears to be part corgi. Except Eskies and Corgis have ears that point straight up, and Sophie's ears flop over. Her ears look like border collie ears. And she does like to try to herd the cats. Hmmm. When she's wet, her fur curls into little ringlets, like poodle fur. Maybe she's part poodle. So what does that make her? EskieCorgiPoo? Don't know; doesn't matter. At the shelter, the fur was shaved off over the back half of her body because it was so matted. Poor pup. We had a really cold, rainy Spring this year, so Laura got Sophie a rain coat to wear on her daily walks. Her fur's growing back now, but nobody likes a soaking wet dog raining water through the house as she shakes o...