
Showing posts from March, 2011


I'm hosting a giveaway of gluten free products from Namaste here at Wheatless Foodie . Please come visit and enter! Cindy

Garden Planning

Have you planned your garden?  I think I enjoy garden planning nearly as much as the actual planting. Territorial Seed Company has this great garden planner .  Here's the garden I've planned for this year: Actually, this represents my plan for the summer garden.  It will be about 2 more months before I can set out tomato and pepper plants, so for now I've planted lettuce in those areas. The chickens spent the winter tilling, fertilizing and removing sod to expand the vegetable garden.  They were moved to other parts of the yard for awhile, and the weeds in the garden grew back quickly. So they're spending a little more time working there again before I plant those areas.  Thanks girls! Cindy Linked to Smockity Frock's Frugal Gardening 101

Kitty Love

Meet Clover, a.k.a. The Little Monster. He came to live with us in January when he was 4 months old. He's a very busy little guy. There's nothing like laundry fresh out of the dryer. "Let me help you set up this photo shoot  for your Etsy shop" He especially likes racing around and batting at anything that moves, including our other two cats. Amber is not happy about this newest addition to our family. Maggie dislikes the situation even more then Amber.                                                       Not happy at all! “Hey, that’s MY place in front of the fire!”                     ...